Learn how to produce radiant portraits using a simple, foolproof step-by-step method with Watercolor
About This Class
This class will demonstrate how to create an atmospheric watercolor portrait painting. The goal is to equip creatives at all skill levels with the necessary tools to enhance their watercolor abilities. We will begin from the basics, including techniques for transferring your photo onto paper, and then progress through all the steps required to produce an expressive watercolor portrait. Having faced challenges with watercolor myself, I understand the apprehension that comes with achieving realistic portraits.

On this class we will cover:
The materials needed,
How to select a good reference photo (or edit it with simple free softwares),
Fundamental aspects of the human face and body drawing,
Watercolor techniques (such as the use of masking fluid, wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry etc.).
So, please join my in this course, and you will be able to paint beautiful luminous watercolor. Join now for free by clicking the link below!